No Sharks, No Turtles and No Dolphins

Albacora fishes only for tuna. We do not target tuna associated with dolphins. However, in exceptional circumstances, we find we have accidently encircled dolphins, sharks or turtles in our nets. If this happens, we treat these incidents in a professional and responsible manner. We immediately cease all fishing until they are freed. We train all of our crew in dolphin, shark and turtle release procedures to ensure any trapped species can be returned to the ocean unharmed as quickly as possible.

Sharks and turtles occasionally become entangled in our FADs. This happens when none of our boats are on site, outside of a fishing operation. Fortunately, the successful launch of our non-entangling FADs in February 2014 has dramatically decreased these incidents. We continue to develop new techniques to help reduce them further.

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Videos on how our vessels protect sharks, turtles and dolphins

Hear the testimony of an observer of the IATTC on how our vessels protect sharks and turtles in practice.

Albacora does not target tuna associated with dolphins. Hear how this rule is put in practice with our skipper Josu Bilbao.

Discover how sharks and turtles are protected, through the concrete examples of our skipper Josu Bilbao.
Learn about Albacora’s release protocol for sharks and turtles with our fleet manager Imanol Loinaz and our strict policy not to interact with marine mammals (for example dolphins).

Videos on non-entangling FADs

Hear our skipper Josu Bilbao explain how non-entangling FADs work to protect sharks and turtles.

Discover our commitment to only use non-entangling FADs with our fleet manager Imanol

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