The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) concluded its annual meeting, held in Mexico City, last July the 28th, after four days of discussion.

The IATTC, which is composed by 21 member countries, is responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and other species in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). To ensure proper management of tuna resources in this area, several conservation measures were adopted for tropical tuna stocks for 2018-2020.

As usual, a representation of ALBACORA traveled to Mexico City to promote, under the OPAGAC Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP), initiatives that contribute to a controlled and responsible fishing activity.

Among the measures approved, it is worth mentioning the 10-day increase of the existing fisheries closure, reaching a total of 72 annual closure days, as a replacement for the catch limit that had been established for this year. This measure is especially relevant because the catch limit was close to being reached, and thus the fleets would have been forced to stop their activity. A situation that would have significant socioeconomic impact on many fleets operating in the EPO, as well as on the canners that depend on their supply.

The IATTC also adopted management improvements for fish aggregating devices (FADs). In this regard, one measure that should be highlighted is the requirement of the use of non-entangling FADs starting 2019, which ALBACORA has been promoting since 2012.

As for upcoming meetings, Spain will host the 2019 Plenary, and before, in 2018, the meeting will be held in Antigua (Guatemala).



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